Physics Tutoring

The Physics Tutoring Center offers tutoring free of charge to all students in our introductory courses, regardless of major.

Our tutors are undergraduate majors in physics or related disciplines and graduate students who are prepared to assist you in excelling in your course. Since the tutoring center has support from faculty, you can be confident that the help you receive is well integrated with the course you are taking.

Appointment Tutoring

Tutoring appointments are available in one-hour sessions Monday through Friday, subject to availability. Appointments can be scheduled from 24 hrs to one week in advance.

Book an appointment

Drop-in Tutoring

Drop-in tutoring allows students to seek help without making an appointment. During the Spring 2025 semester, we will offer drop-in tutoring sessions, however the schedule has not yet been made.

Drop-in Schedule, Spring 2025 (Rm. 2102 at 701 W. Grace St)
Day Time
Monday 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Wednesday  11:00 am -1:00 pm
Thursday 12:00 -2:00 pm
Friday 3:00 -5:00 pm

Students can visit at any time during these sessions to meet with a tutor, no appointment is necessary. Drop-in tutoring is offered on a first-come, first-helped basis. Please note that during peak hours students may need to wait to see a tutor.

Operating Schedule

The Tutoring Center operates according to the VCU academic calendar and will be closed on reading days or whenever the university is closed. Note that while we officially close on the last day of classes, special sessions may be available for certain courses during exam week.

Spring 2025 Closures

Day Date  
Monday-Friday March 10-14 spring break

Become a Physics Tutor

We are currently hiring!

Students in physics and related disciplines have the opportunity to hone their physics skills and gain valuable experience by acting as tutors for our introductory physics courses. Our tutors also have opportunities to assist in setting up lab experiments, proctoring exams, grading lab reports and leading group study sessions.

Tutoring positions are paid positions and are open only to current and former VCU students.

How to apply

Applications are processed through VCU Handshake. To apply, login and search for "physics lab tutorial assistant". In your application, please include information about all physics and math courses you've taken at university level. We also recommend including an unofficial transcript in your application materials.

Frequently asked questions

If you have any additional questions or would like more information about becoming a tutor, please email us at