Physics Colloquium: Seth Aubin, Ph.D.

Seth Aubin

Date: Friday, Apr 19, 2024

Start time: 2 p.m.

Location: 701 W. Grace St., Room 2306

AC Zeeman chip traps for fundamental physics

The ultracold atoms revolution has led to the routine production of sub-microKelvin temperatures and quantum degenerate gases such as Bose-Einstein condensates and degenerate Fermi gases. These ultracold gases are well suited for experiments in quantum information, quantum sensing and to probe fundamental physics. In this talk, I will present work towards developing spin-specific microwave traps for ultracold atom interferometry. These traps rely on the AC Zeeman effect and can be used to target independent traps at different spin states simultaneously. In combination with a microwave lattice, a trapped atom interferometer is well suited to applications in inertial force sensing, gravimetry, and probing fundamental forces near a surface. (Work supported by NSF and DTRA)

(Coffee and refreshment will be served at 1:45pm)

Speaker bio: Seth Aubin, Ph.D. is a physics professor at the College of William and Mary. 

Event contact: Physics Department,